ICAPS 2016 Tutorial on Planning with State-Dependent Action Costs

This year’s ICAPS in London is approaching quickly, and I’m already looking forward to it. As always, there will be many exciting talks, invited presentations, etc. Besides, this year I have the honor to give a tutorial on planning with state-dependent action costs together with Florian Geißer, mostly based on our IJCAI 2015 and ICAPS 2016 […]

EVMDD Library for Python (pyevmdd)

I started using Edge-valued Multi-valued Decision Diagrams (EVMDDs) [CS02] a bit more than a year ago while working on AI planning with state-dependent action costs [GKM15]. Throughout 2015, we were happy using the wonderful EVMDD library MEDDLY by Junaid Babar and Andrew Miner more or less as a black box. This worked very well for us, both because MEDDLY is […]